One Health Direct


Focus on the Physician.

One Health Direct understands that healthcare is complicated. Current requirements for various treatment options place a tremendous and unwarranted burden on physicians and their staff to gather and submit substantial documentation on behalf of their patients. These multiple requirements cause a significant administrative workload and considerable time constraints. With so many practices’ bandwidth already at capacity, clinicians are often simply unable to fully educate and assist patients with their requests and submissions.

One Health Direct’s system focuses on streamlining and absorbing various aspects of the education, qualification, administrative and fulfillment processes. Utilizing our HIPAA-compliant system, our partners’ teams are able to effectively and efficiently help staff navigate and fulfill all necessary requirements for both the patient and their prescribing physician. Our goal is to help our partner’s patients receive innovative treatment options, dispensed right to their homes, while minimizing the numerous obstacles and efforts required of their physicians and staff. To assist with this, physician partners are provided with a dedicated Patient Care Coordinator from our partners, and all patients are provided access to all patient on-boarding services. These services are designed to maximize initial patient compliance, while access to our ongoing service and support team ensures each patient a continued successful outcome.

With you every step of the way!

Clinical partners are assigned a dedicated Patient Care Coordinator that will:



Innovative products to better manage chronic conditions

OHD is proud to provide our partners’ and clients’ patients with innovative products that enable a more effective treatment option for their chronic condition. Each product is extensively evaluated and vetted for quality of materials and functional efficacy. OHD invests in extensive internal training for every product we help supply, becoming product experts able to provide knowledge and expertise to ensure all partners’ patients receive quality support when needed. OHD’s product offering of product categories includes:

Continuous Glucose Monitor Systems
Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) are small, discreet, wearable devices that measure, track, and relay glucose levels in the body to provide the wearer with real-time reading at any time with a quick scan. This enables users to better monitor their glucose levels by providing transparency and tracings on how quickly they increase or decrease.

Orthopedic Braces
Orthopedic braces are medical devices designed to address musculoskeletal issues; they are used to align correctly, correct the position, support, stabilize, protect and help provide pain relief for certain parts of the body (particularly the muscles, joints, and bones) for both acute injuries and chronic conditions. These medical devices are often prescribed for the patient to assist with pain relief and provide warmth, compression, stability, and support.

Phototherpy Units
Phototherapy uses very specific bands of light for the treatment of Psoriasis, Vitiligo and Eczema. Once only available at healthcare centers and doctor offices, home Phototherapy units are now available and covered by many insurances. Treatments are numerous making home units preferable.

Urological Supplies
Urological supplies are products designed for people who have urinary retention and need help removing urine from the body. This could be caused by many things, such as a blockage in the urethra or an issue with the nervous system that won’t allow the bladder muscles to relax.



Contact OHD to start the process

One Health Direct’s system provides operational excellence and tremendous savings for our physician partners by reducing the workload on their staff. OHD provides everything needed to help patients receive innovative treatment options without putting the onus on the physician and their staff to ensure everything is in order and all requirements are met. From eligibility through product fulfillment, OHD’s system provides the road map, tools, and personal assistance necessary to streamline the process and maximize staff efficiency. The OHD system greatly reduces the burden and workload, allowing physicians and staff to spend more time with their patients instead of paperwork.
Contact us today for more information on how One Health Direct can help your practice provide better service to more patients suffering from chronic conditions.